Keenagers: Table Tennis the way to go for older adults

Keenagers Table Tennis has been running at the Boroondara Sports Complex (BSC) for just over 5 years, having previously ran out of the Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre. The aim of the club is to provide over 50s with the opportunity to participate in non-competitive table tennis. It provides an opportunity to socialise, along with a safe and fun exercise environment.
The program has continued to grow since it began at BSC and now, 30-35 participants attend each session. They often receive training from Table Tennis Victoria, to help them improve their skills. The flexible program also allows participants to attend as suits them, which is great for older adults who may have other commitments.
Keenagers Table Tennis provides a great social platform for those who are interested in staying active and participating in physical activity. Table Tennis helps to improve balance and reflexes, improvements that participants have noticed. As Dianne said, “I’ve got weak bones, which is why I started table tennis. I’ve just had a DEXA scan and its increased my bone density!”
Jack has also noticed a difference, “It’s fun and good exercise for when you’re getting older because balance and reflexes are important. I notice my balance improving.”
The program also involves a social element, helping to create and maintain social connections for this in the community who are often isolated. Jim said, “I enjoy the social aspect and all the nice people that come along.” Each week the group breaks mid-way through the session to enjoy a coffee and a biscuit in the BSC café.
The program continues to be a hit with older adults and will hopefully continue to grow seeing many new friendships form.

Boroondara Mens Health Week Breakfast

June 12 marked the first Boroondara Men’s Health Week Breakfast. The free event was hosted by the City of Boroondara and open to all local community members, including Boroondara Leisure and Aquatic Facilities (BLAF) members and staff.
The event included an open house style breakfast for participants with healthy breakfast offerings. A small expo provided information on local health and wellbeing activities, including the opportunity to complete a Bioscan with the YMCA, and representatives from various local community and active living groups. The day was focused on the perceived stigmas and preventable aspect of men’s health, as well as the stubbornness that often stops men getting help as they need it.
Boroondara City Council Mayor, Jane Addis welcomed the group to the event, before David Parkin, an AFL legend, addressed the participants as the keynote speaker. Parkin spoke candidly about his own fight with cancer, and told the tales of many other men who have survived prostate cancer. His clear message was the importance of being vigilant and proactive when it comes to men’s health.
The day provided the opportunity for open and honest discussions about health and the importance of removing the barriers and stigmas around men’s health. Participants spent time networking and interacting with the local exhibitors and guest speakers.
Community based activities like the Men’s Health Week Breakfast, are proven to erode the stigma that is so detrimental to men’s health. Improving preventable men’s health issues in the City of Boroondara will take time, but the BLAF are committed to making change and supporting better health with future events like this.

The Belmore Belle’s Are Here To Stay

The Belmore Belle’s are a legacy at Boroondara Sports Complex. For over ten years the group have been participating in weekly aqua aerobics and deep water running classes, becoming a close knit group of friends along the way.
Since the early days fitness instructor Susan has been leading the twice weekly aqua aerobics classes, and is one of the reasons the sessions have been such a success. She is known for her ability to make everyone feel welcome and to ensure her classes are accessible for all.
Susan’s ability to adapt her sessions to the needs of everyone has ensure the Belmore Belle’s are a diverse group of women. The eldest Belle is 82, while the youngest is in her 30’s, but as Belmore Belle Lorrie says, “It’s our differences have brought us together.”
The weekly classes are a great social event for the Belle’s, who meet for a coffee and a catch up after each session. The Belle’s have also created their own WhatsApp group, so they can keep in touch outside of classes, and check in when someone misses a class. It’s in this group that they plan their annual events, Christmas in July and Christmas Cocktails in December, and share photos of their travels while they are away.
It was these connections and the strong support network the group provides that helped Belmore Belle Jenni, when her twin sister, and fellow Belle, Dianne passed away. The members rallied together and helped Jenni through the tough time.
But, it’s not just the social side that helps, the aerobics also helps with their physical wellbeing, with many of the group seeing huge improvements in their health and mobility. Suzanne joined the classes because of her severe osteoarthritis, she explains, “when I first started I had to walk with a sick, but now I can walk without one!”
The Belmore Belle’s are showing no sign of slowing down, with the group continuing to welcome new members. They are committed to their classes in the outdoor pool all year round and are excited for more classes to be added so they can get their exercise and social fix more often.